Burnout - Am I affected?

Dr. med. Wolfgang Welke

Chief of

Special Pain Medicine

    It is not uncommon for burnout to be referred to as "being burnt out". Basically, burnout is a physical and emotional exhaustion. and emotional exhaustion. It often affects people who have spent years with a very workload or a high level of leisure activities for years have coped with. The special thing: They have as a particular burden or as sickening perceived. Ehigh level of idealism enables them alsoto cope with tasks that are expected of them, to identify and at the same timelittle self-care to care.

    Common initial symptoms of burnout:

    • Hypertensive blood pressure
    • sleep disorders
    • Loss of appetite or excessive binge eating
    • the use of alcohol
    • reduced physical resilience
    • tinnitus
    • reduced sexuality
    • reduced alertness
    • alertness
    • concentration disorders
    • reduced work capacity
    • forgetfulness
    • altered emotionality

    At an advanced stage, some symptoms can intensify or turn into the opposite. High blood pressure can then develop into hypotension (low blood pressure) or insomnia into the urge to sleep excessively. Another indication: those affected feel barely recovered after the weekend or vacation.

    Burnout develops over several months, which is why early diagnosis and treatment are important.

    Our medical team

    Dr. med. Wolfgang Welke

    Chief of

    Special Pain Medicine

      Joachim Kaiser

      Leading Senior Physican

      Special Pain Medicine

        Houzan Bahlawi


        Special pain medicine

          Dr. med. Kai Maximilian Paas


          Special pain medicine

            Lioubov Konztanz

            Assistant Physician

            Special Pain Medicine

              Contact & Appointments

              Tanja Rutenbeck

              Secretariat Center for Special Pain Medicine

              If you have not found a suitable date for you, please contact us by telephone.

              Outpatient clinic

              Phone +49 2351 945-2513 or -2514
              Fax +49 2351 945-2511

              Office hours


              Monday - Friday
              8.00 - 14.00

              At all other times, you can call our Central Emergency Outpatient Clinic on +49 2351 945-0.

              Central Emergency Outpatient Clinic