Stem cell donation from the Sportklinik Hellersen gives a chance at life

Five years after Sportklinik Hellersen's registration campaign for the DKMS (German Bone Marrow Donor Center), there is now some good news: one person who registered back then has now donated stem cells, giving a person suffering from blood cancer a life-saving chance.

"We are delighted that the registration campaign back then is now bearing fruit," says Sarah Burghaus, Head of Marketing, Corporate Communication & PR at Sportklinik Hellersen, adding: "Knowing that someone who registered back then has now actually been able to save someone's life fills us with great pride and gratitude."

Thanks to Sportklinik Hellersen's campaign, DKMS was able to register 147 new potential stem cell donors through saliva samples. Swabs were taken from the buccal mucosa of each donor using cotton swabs and sent to the laboratory together with a completed consent form. The results were stored in the file and made available anonymously for the worldwide patient search. In addition, further donations were collected through the sale of sandwiches, waffles and coffee. All proceeds also went to DKMS to support the cost of 35 euros per registration.



"It's incredible to see how our efforts have actually led to a life-saving donation," said Dirk Burghaus, CEO of Sportklinik Hellersen, who was also delighted with the positive news. "This success shows how important the commitment to such campaigns is."


Press contact

Sarah Burghaus
Head of Marketing, Corporate Communication & PR, Press Spokesperson

Marketing & Communication